Robert brought up pencils. And I have to say, I hate non-wood pencils. You know, the rubbery-want-to-be-woody-but-aren't kind? They suck ass. My favorite pencils used to be Eckerd Brand No. 2 pencils. They were real wood, sharpened to a good point and didn't splinter or break. But shortly before they went out of business, they switched to the fake-wood crap. (I always secretly thought that is why they went out of business. Bad call, Eckerds! Ok, ok, I know they were bought out by CVS. But I think the decline in pencil quality was somehow related). Since the demise of the Eckerd Brand No. 2 pencils, I have been unable to find a satisfactory replacement.
(Dick is all about mechanical pencils. But they annoy me. I really don't mind the inconvience of sharpening a pencil. And I really like manual pencil sharpeners too, but that is beside the point. Hehe. Point. Get it?)
I am glad I have friends that can appreciate the value of a good wooden pencil. Just the other day, my friend Heather confessed that as a child she collected pencils with fun designs on them. But she never used them. She thinks they are sitting in a closet in her parents' house and I am trying to convince her to find them, because I am thinking there are probably some really good, old school wooden pencils in there.
I'll let you know if we hit the motherload.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
My Soul for a Sharpie®
When I was a kid, two weeks before school started, my mom would give my sister and I our budget for school supplies. We would then sit down with the Sunday circulars and determine which stores had the best buys and make our lists, so that we could get the most supplies for our dollars. I love school (and office) supplies. Pens and paper, post-its, markers and stickers. I attribute this to spending so much free time in my mom's classroom and my love of writing. So, I always loved back-to-school time. And I always started the new year confident that I was going to be organized. Typically, that lasted about two weeks. I had good intentions though.
Tomorrow I have my first class of the semester. So, I decided to get my crap together and realized, much to my dismay, that I did not have an empty binder. I am not quite sure how I managed to get this close to school and not have enough supplies. And somehow, I managed to forget about this while I browsed the school supply section at Costco yesterday. I was rather preoccupied with a big set of Sharpies. It included every color, in both bold and fine, and 2 metallic ones and five retractable ones. Oh, how I lust for those Sharpies. Binders are so not sexy compared to those Sharpies. So, now it is 9 p.m. the night before my 8 a.m. Human Growth and Development class, and I find myself both binder and sharpie-less. And I am in my pajamas. And I am apparently all grown up, because I can't manage to find away to care enough to get dressed and go to Walgreens and buy one binder. Maybe Dick will do it for me.
And my school schedule, for those who are following along at home:
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 8-9:15 a.m. Human Growth and Development
Wednesdays: 6-10 p.m. Financial Accounting
Saturdays: 1-4 p.m. Humanities
I am not sure what possessed me into taking a class in the mornings before work, but I am giving it a try. I need to take 3 classes a semester if I want to make my A.A. graduation goal, which is May 2009. Pray for me, people.
Tomorrow I have my first class of the semester. So, I decided to get my crap together and realized, much to my dismay, that I did not have an empty binder. I am not quite sure how I managed to get this close to school and not have enough supplies. And somehow, I managed to forget about this while I browsed the school supply section at Costco yesterday. I was rather preoccupied with a big set of Sharpies. It included every color, in both bold and fine, and 2 metallic ones and five retractable ones. Oh, how I lust for those Sharpies. Binders are so not sexy compared to those Sharpies. So, now it is 9 p.m. the night before my 8 a.m. Human Growth and Development class, and I find myself both binder and sharpie-less. And I am in my pajamas. And I am apparently all grown up, because I can't manage to find away to care enough to get dressed and go to Walgreens and buy one binder. Maybe Dick will do it for me.
And my school schedule, for those who are following along at home:
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 8-9:15 a.m. Human Growth and Development
Wednesdays: 6-10 p.m. Financial Accounting
Saturdays: 1-4 p.m. Humanities
I am not sure what possessed me into taking a class in the mornings before work, but I am giving it a try. I need to take 3 classes a semester if I want to make my A.A. graduation goal, which is May 2009. Pray for me, people.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Hello, my name is Minnie and...
I am addicted to blogs. I check almost 40 blogs daily. Which is time-consuming. And not necessarily the best use of my time. And school is starting next week, so I am going to have to cut my internet time significantly. So, I set up my Google Reader. AND IT ROCKS MY WORLD. It doesn't take much, people. It really doesn't. So, I took a couple minutes to set it up yesterday, and today my blog reading took a fraction of the time. Like 15 minutes. I don't know what to do with myself. (Obviously, I need to find more blogs!)
I had an awesome weekend. We had PMG's birthday celebration: dinner with some of my favorite people, at our fav pizza place, and drinks at our town's Best Bar for Drunks. (Seriously... a generous crown royal and coke was $5.50. That is an awesome deal. I need to drink there more often.) And I made cupcakes. They were yellow cake with dark chocolate icing. Very tasty, but rich. I have really enjoyed baking lately and I am hoping to perfect some of my recipes and then have a "Cupcake Tasting" party. Like a wine tasting, only better. Anyway, I felt like the dark chocolate icing overpowered the plain yellow cake, and I am thinking of pairing it with a coffee cupcake. I am also working on my super-secret special cupcake idea. Which I am not quite ready to reveal to the internet, although my friends outside of the computer have heard all about it. I really wish I had a better kitchen. And my own bakery.
I had an awesome weekend. We had PMG's birthday celebration: dinner with some of my favorite people, at our fav pizza place, and drinks at our town's Best Bar for Drunks. (Seriously... a generous crown royal and coke was $5.50. That is an awesome deal. I need to drink there more often.) And I made cupcakes. They were yellow cake with dark chocolate icing. Very tasty, but rich. I have really enjoyed baking lately and I am hoping to perfect some of my recipes and then have a "Cupcake Tasting" party. Like a wine tasting, only better. Anyway, I felt like the dark chocolate icing overpowered the plain yellow cake, and I am thinking of pairing it with a coffee cupcake. I am also working on my super-secret special cupcake idea. Which I am not quite ready to reveal to the internet, although my friends outside of the computer have heard all about it. I really wish I had a better kitchen. And my own bakery.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tale of Two Kitties
Who writes the cheesiest post titles ever? Me, that's who!
Moving on. We have two cats. My favorite is Maggie.
We found her when she was a wee little thing, and I was very sick at the time, and she kept me company while I was home, hopped up on prescription cough syrup and contemplating death. (Having bronchitis for two straight months will do that to you.) She was initially an inside cat, because I am afraid of all the bad things that happen to outside cat. She never really escaped, except once when our house was broken into, which sucked. We found her terrified, under the house, so we figured she was a bit of a wuss.
A couple years later, we got Louie (the dog), and they did not get along. He wanted to play, she didn't. And she started looking longingly out the window.
And then another cat showed up. And we started feeding him, and I named him Christopher. (One of my all-time favorite names, but Dick has forbidden me from naming any future children Christopher, so I used it on the cat.) He stayed outside (unless it was really cold) and Maggie stayed inside. We did this because Christopher is overwhelming love-sucking machine. He drove me crazy, with constant meowing and talking and rubbing. He would drive the dog crazy too. And Christopher was a crazy-killing-machine. He would kill rats and squirrels and birds and lizards and leave them on the porch. One day, in particular, when I came home, he was sitting on the porch eating (literally eating) a dead squirrel. Like it was the tastiest thing ever. And! And, he also killed two bats. I have no idea how he did that. Anyway, we admired his killing skills and didn't want to take him out of his killing fields. And did I mention he drives me crazy?
But Maggie would watch, all sad-eyed, from the living room window. So, one day, we decided to let her out to hang out with Christopher for a couple of hours. And then she was going outside during the day, but coming in at night. And now, she is out all the time. Maybe once every two weeks, she'll decide she needs to be in for the night. But the moment you open the front door in the morning, she is bounding outside. (She really does bound.) This has done wonders for her self-esteem. She does not let Louie fuck with her anymore, and she and Christopher have been known to tag-team a wandering neighborhood cat. (They line up in formation, I swear, and you can almost hear the soundtrack to West Side Story.)
Christopher has become very lazy though. Seriously, he'll let a squirrel run through the yard right next to him. It's almost embarrassing. And we figured that Maggie just doesn't have the killing ability, since she was an inside cat for so long. But... A couple days ago, Christopher was hanging inside with us for a little while (So. Annoying. With the meowing.) And we let him out and then a couple minutes later, Dick went outside and there was a dead rat on the stoop. Like freshly dead. Dick picked it up to put it in the trash (using some newspaper. It has so many uses!) and it was still warm. Dick thinks Christopher did it right after we let him out. I don't think there was enough time. I think Maggie did it. Has Christopher passed the torch to Maggie? Has the student become the master? Can I think of anymore clichés?
We may never know. But, speaking of the truth being out there and whatnot - there is going to be another X-Files Movie. Hooray!
Moving on. We have two cats. My favorite is Maggie.
We found her when she was a wee little thing, and I was very sick at the time, and she kept me company while I was home, hopped up on prescription cough syrup and contemplating death. (Having bronchitis for two straight months will do that to you.) She was initially an inside cat, because I am afraid of all the bad things that happen to outside cat. She never really escaped, except once when our house was broken into, which sucked. We found her terrified, under the house, so we figured she was a bit of a wuss.
A couple years later, we got Louie (the dog), and they did not get along. He wanted to play, she didn't. And she started looking longingly out the window.
And then another cat showed up. And we started feeding him, and I named him Christopher. (One of my all-time favorite names, but Dick has forbidden me from naming any future children Christopher, so I used it on the cat.) He stayed outside (unless it was really cold) and Maggie stayed inside. We did this because Christopher is overwhelming love-sucking machine. He drove me crazy, with constant meowing and talking and rubbing. He would drive the dog crazy too. And Christopher was a crazy-killing-machine. He would kill rats and squirrels and birds and lizards and leave them on the porch. One day, in particular, when I came home, he was sitting on the porch eating (literally eating) a dead squirrel. Like it was the tastiest thing ever. And! And, he also killed two bats. I have no idea how he did that. Anyway, we admired his killing skills and didn't want to take him out of his killing fields. And did I mention he drives me crazy?
But Maggie would watch, all sad-eyed, from the living room window. So, one day, we decided to let her out to hang out with Christopher for a couple of hours. And then she was going outside during the day, but coming in at night. And now, she is out all the time. Maybe once every two weeks, she'll decide she needs to be in for the night. But the moment you open the front door in the morning, she is bounding outside. (She really does bound.) This has done wonders for her self-esteem. She does not let Louie fuck with her anymore, and she and Christopher have been known to tag-team a wandering neighborhood cat. (They line up in formation, I swear, and you can almost hear the soundtrack to West Side Story.)
Christopher has become very lazy though. Seriously, he'll let a squirrel run through the yard right next to him. It's almost embarrassing. And we figured that Maggie just doesn't have the killing ability, since she was an inside cat for so long. But... A couple days ago, Christopher was hanging inside with us for a little while (So. Annoying. With the meowing.) And we let him out and then a couple minutes later, Dick went outside and there was a dead rat on the stoop. Like freshly dead. Dick picked it up to put it in the trash (using some newspaper. It has so many uses!) and it was still warm. Dick thinks Christopher did it right after we let him out. I don't think there was enough time. I think Maggie did it. Has Christopher passed the torch to Maggie? Has the student become the master? Can I think of anymore clichés?
We may never know. But, speaking of the truth being out there and whatnot - there is going to be another X-Files Movie. Hooray!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Week in Review, Ghetto Style, Bitches.
Didn't mean to go this long without posting. This week has been crazy. It included the following:
- Work drama (More layoffs. More people jumping ship. Less fun.)
- Exciting homemade natural hair treatment for luxurious locks (Didn't really work. When will I learn? I don't know why I always have to try bizarre homemade natural treatments. I'm a masochist.)
- Cupcake research. (I am developing a super-exciting new cupcake. This is hard work, my friends.)
- Obsessive reading of this, this, this and a little bit of this. (Are men really that preoccupied with sex? Seriously? Dudes, you need some hobbies. May I suggest doing laundry?)
- A life changing therapy session. (My therapist told me that I didn't have to feel guilty about not working out this month, and that it was ok if I wasn't actively pursuing weight loss right now, and that I could wait until my new school schedule started to get back into my weight-fighting-gym-going groove. It seemed totally absurd. What? Me, not worry or obsess about what I am or am not doing about my fat ass? CRAZY! But I am trying it.)
- Planning PMG's birthday celebrations for next weekend. (There will be pizza! And beer! And dancing! And maybe super-exciting cupcakes! And beer!)
- Talks about Dick changing jobs. (More on this later.)
Week in Review,
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Wednesday Roudup
Two Reasons I Love My Job:
1. The quick conference conversation I had today:
2. This video I found today while using company time for personal use.
Yes, that is Christopher Walken cooking a chicken. It is the most absurd, wonderful thing I have seen in forever. Check out Im Cooked for more cooking fun.
Other Things I Love:
1. Robert's pictures of Boston. So beautiful and well manicured. Quite the opposite of what I've been looking at everyday for the last week.

Our neighbors across the street are moving out and their pile of junk has grown larger and larger every day. Luckily tomorrow is trash day.
2. Dooce. Doesn't everyone.
Things I Am Excited About:
1. The Simpson's Movie. I am hoping to go this weekend.
2. Payday. I am tired of being poor.
1. The quick conference conversation I had today:
PMG (5:11 PM 8/1/07) >
I just got a great idea.
Minnie (5:11 PM 8/1/07) >
PMG (5:11 PM 8/1/07) >
We should send someone a Quick Conference that says something like, "I hate myself because of you, and it makes me want to slit my wrists."
PMG (5:12 PM 8/1/07) >
And then we should say, "Oh, sorry, that wasn't meant for you."
2. This video I found today while using company time for personal use.
Yes, that is Christopher Walken cooking a chicken. It is the most absurd, wonderful thing I have seen in forever. Check out Im Cooked for more cooking fun.
Other Things I Love:
1. Robert's pictures of Boston. So beautiful and well manicured. Quite the opposite of what I've been looking at everyday for the last week.
Our neighbors across the street are moving out and their pile of junk has grown larger and larger every day. Luckily tomorrow is trash day.
2. Dooce. Doesn't everyone.
Things I Am Excited About:
1. The Simpson's Movie. I am hoping to go this weekend.
2. Payday. I am tired of being poor.
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