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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

School Supplies Part Two


Robert brought up pencils. And I have to say, I hate non-wood pencils. You know, the rubbery-want-to-be-woody-but-aren't kind? They suck ass. My favorite pencils used to be Eckerd Brand No. 2 pencils. They were real wood, sharpened to a good point and didn't splinter or break. But shortly before they went out of business, they switched to the fake-wood crap. (I always secretly thought that is why they went out of business. Bad call, Eckerds! Ok, ok, I know they were bought out by CVS. But I think the decline in pencil quality was somehow related). Since the demise of the Eckerd Brand No. 2 pencils, I have been unable to find a satisfactory replacement.

(Dick is all about mechanical pencils. But they annoy me. I really don't mind the inconvience of sharpening a pencil. And I really like manual pencil sharpeners too, but that is beside the point. Hehe. Point. Get it?)

I am glad I have friends that can appreciate the value of a good wooden pencil. Just the other day, my friend Heather confessed that as a child she collected pencils with fun designs on them. But she never used them. She thinks they are sitting in a closet in her parents' house and I am trying to convince her to find them, because I am thinking there are probably some really good, old school wooden pencils in there.

I'll let you know if we hit the motherload.


Lorem Ipsum said...

We already have hit the mother lode. This is the pencil you want:

The Ticonderoga! (Sweet name, too. Sounds like a mythical city that I would spend my entire life trying to find.)

Staples sells them, and they're awesome. The eraser could be a little better, but it isn't bad by any means.

Lorem Ipsum said...

Your blog threatened to poison my food if you don't update it.