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Friday, August 10, 2007

Week in Review, Ghetto Style, Bitches.

Didn't mean to go this long without posting. This week has been crazy. It included the following:

  • Work drama (More layoffs. More people jumping ship. Less fun.)
  • Exciting homemade natural hair treatment for luxurious locks (Didn't really work. When will I learn? I don't know why I always have to try bizarre homemade natural treatments. I'm a masochist.)
  • Cupcake research. (I am developing a super-exciting new cupcake. This is hard work, my friends.)
  • Obsessive reading of this, this, this and a little bit of this. (Are men really that preoccupied with sex? Seriously? Dudes, you need some hobbies. May I suggest doing laundry?)
  • A life changing therapy session. (My therapist told me that I didn't have to feel guilty about not working out this month, and that it was ok if I wasn't actively pursuing weight loss right now, and that I could wait until my new school schedule started to get back into my weight-fighting-gym-going groove. It seemed totally absurd. What? Me, not worry or obsess about what I am or am not doing about my fat ass? CRAZY! But I am trying it.)
  • Planning PMG's birthday celebrations for next weekend. (There will be pizza! And beer! And dancing! And maybe super-exciting cupcakes! And beer!)
  • Talks about Dick changing jobs. (More on this later.)
And now, I need to go to sleep, but I stupidly drank a diet dr. Pepper with dinner and I am like a four year old when it comes to caffeine. I may be up until 3 a.m. or something. Oh well, I've got cupcakes to think about.


Lorem Ipsum said...

Dude, those confessions are jacked up. Maybe I'll post that as a truereaderconfession.

Minnie said...

I know. If I weren't married, these would scare me away from marriage. Good Lawd!