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Tuesday, July 31, 2007


So, today at Dick's workplace, they laid off a bunch of people. Dick escaped the chopping block, but his best work friend M did not. And Dick is pretty angry about the whole deal. We're happy that he has a job (for now) but it did not go down well. And at my Workplace today, my department learned the details of the crazy "We Can't Afford to Fill Any Empty Positions So You Guys All Have to Take On More Work With No Raises" plan. As you can guess, there was much rejoicing.

In happier news, I went to Birmingham two weeks ago and had a great time drinking, eating, hanging out with my BFF and watching movies. Check out the photos here:

I had a really good time. I realized how much I miss the great American road trip. I am hoping Dick and I can take a trip to Asheville for our anniversary in September. And I am really wishing we could go to Boston to visit the Bert of Jennbert, and maybe our friend Colleen and anyone else who moves there in the next six months, at some point before the end of the year. But school is starting up again soon (one month!) and then all my glorious plans will fall to the wayside as my brain is eaten by homework and studying. Stupid homework and studying.