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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Photo Goodness

So, a few of my favorite friends have received cameras for Christmas, and I wanted to share a few of my favorite photo links:

Photojojo. Subscribe to this newsletter. They have great ideas, an active forum and lots of good stuff.

Digital Photography School. Very active forum, weekly contests. Some very bad and/or cheesy photography on there, but a good place to learn.

The Image is Found
. Wedding photographers in San Diego. Doesn't sound that exciting, right? Well, they are awesome. They have a great info page, with lists of all the equipment they use. Their blog includes lots of non-wedding photos. They also teach photo workshops, and I swear to God, if I had a bunch of money sitting around, I would totally go to one.

365 Photo Project. There is some info on Photojojo and on flickr - take and post a picture every day. I am seriously considering doing this in 2009.

Picasa. Some people love flickr, but I like Picasa, because I worship at the church of Google. There is also zooomr, which allows users to have more control over their photos. I've had some user issues though. So proceed with caution.

Jpg Magazine. Good stuff. You can submit info for their monthly publication. Its pretty awesome.

Film is Not Dead. This guy is awesome. He still uses film. And he does workshops - which I would love to attend. Another inspiring site.

Photoshop Express. Its a fun, kind of online, user-friendly version of photoshop that allows you to do some creative stuff. Don't go too far though. There is a fine line between cool and fucking ugly.

If anyone wants to do the 365 Project, let me know!


Diana Middleton said...

I'm joining the Photoshop Web site. And I'll do project 365 with you!

HM Lovejoy said...

I signed up for the photojojo newsletter and am anxiously awaiting my first one. As for the 365 project, well, I have a problem with commitment. (I know, I know, I'm married. But that's different.) Anyway, thanks for your tips.

HM Lovejoy said...

ARGH, the bloody economy! My first photojojo newsletter already came and it says JPG Magazine is history.

Jeff said...

what's a camera?